e² Young Engineers Twin Cities, East Metro

Young Engineers Programs

STEM and Robotics Programs

Bricks Challenge 

Average lesson duration: 90 minutes

Program Subjects Include 

Basic and complex mathematics: Instructors teach basic math, from addition and subtraction to exponents

Famous scientific and philosophical figures: Archimedes, Sir Isaac Newton, Einstein, and more

Powers and principles in physics: Centrifugal and centripetal forces, the power of inertia, potential energy, kinetic energy, action/reaction law, buoyancy, torque, fulcrum, load division, angular momentum, and more.


Galileo Technic

Average lesson duration: 90 minutes

Program Subjects Include

  • Basic and complex mathematics: instructors teach basic math, from addition and subtraction to exponents.
  • Powers and principles in physics: centrifugal and centripetal forces, the power of inertia, potential energy, kinetic energy, action and reaction law, buoyancy, torques, fulcrum, load division, angular momentum, and more. Archimedes, Sir Isaac Newton, Einstein, and more.


AlgoPlay Robotics

Average lesson duration: 90 minutes

Program Subjects Include 

  • Discover coding and machinery engineering
  • Get familiar with software engineering terminology
  • Introduction to algorithmic thinking
  • Encourage problem-solving
  • Develop creativity and critical thinking
  • Build and Program Robots : Gadgets and games, Amusement park rides, Various types of transportation machines, Modern robots to execute common tasks


General Statistical Overview

After extensive testing, it has been statistically proven that children participating in e² Young Engineers enrichment programs achieve high grades within all scientific subjects taught at school.

It has also been proven that elementary school students who join Young Engineers community obtain the mathematical knowledge required to succeed when tackling the more complex scientific curricula taught at middle and high schools.

Checkout The Statistical Report

These tests have been conducted by the

Center for Cooperation and Advancement (CCA)